Aside from combat purposes, the Concussion Sacs can also be used as an echolocation device, emitting less powerful waves to detect hidden enemies, even those in tall grass.

This attack was harnessed by the renegade Oseram warlord and inventor Dervahl to construct a sonic weapon capable of incapacitating human enemies. They employ a number of Fire-based attacks using the engines on their wings, melee attacks using their beaks and claws, as well as a disorienting sonic attack using their Concussion Sacs. Pairs of Longlegs also escort Behemoths and Shell-Walkers in machine convoys.Īn overridden Longleg can destroy another unalerted Longleg with a single strike. Longlegs guard the sole known Behemoth site. While scanning, unalerted (and even overridden) Longlegs are frequently seen firing their sonic blasts towards the horizon, scanning for humans and other threats in the tall grass with echolocation. Each Longleg walks in a set circuitous path around the herd, frequently stopping to scan the surroundings. Longlegs are mainly deployed in groups of no more than three to patrol around herds of Zero Dawn terraformers, allowing them to work without having to stop and watch for perceived threats. A power cell composed of a pair of components called Sparkers is mounted on its lower back. Each of its two feet is equipped with a single claw. Each of its two short, flightless wings are equipped with three engines that emit jet-like blasts of flame, which the Longleg uses in attacks. These are part of its scanning array, as well as powering one of its attacks. Mounted on the chest are a pair of bulbous components called Concussion Sacs. Three antennae extend from the back of the head, from which the Longleg can emit a signal calling for reinforcements. Six optical sensors are located on each side of the head in the same position as a ratite’s eyes. The head terminates in a vertical pair of sharp, beak-like structures, and is mounted on a long, flexible neck. Horizon: Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds ReviewĪs GAIA states that many machine designs are based off of extinct megafauna, it is possible that a Longleg's chassis is based off a phorusrhacid (terror bird). Aloy encountered them as guards around one of HEPHAESTUS’ Control Towers, as well as inside the ancient Firebreak facility as part of a three-person expedition to HEPHAESTUS’ R&D cauldron, EPSILON. The Longlegs in The Cut are augmented by HEPHAESTUS, and are known as Daemonic Longlegs. Outside the Sundom, she encountered two Longlegs in the Cut. She also sold a Longleg Lens to the Carja trader Ranin. She encountered them patrolling the approach to the Tallneck deployed at the location in The Jewel known as the Spearshafts. She usually saw them guarding Zero Dawn terraformer herds or walking in machine convoys. The Nora huntress Aloy saw Longlegs mainly at sites scattered throughout the Carja Sundom. He also had a number of them chained at his camp, likely for further experimentation and for security. The Oseram warlord Dervahl created a sonic weapon from a modified Longleg head and concussion sac, mimicking the machine's sonic blasts. It is unclear whether it is a variation of a pre-Derangement machine or something new altogether. They were presumably created by HEPHAESTUS upon deciding that it needed a recon machine that was combat-capable and much more dangerous to humans than Watchers. Like all combat-capable machines, Longlegs began appearing after the onset of the Derangement.